Dear guests, ,

to stop the new Corona virus SARS CoV-2 from spreading the administrative district of Lueneburg has declared that I am still not allowed to host tourist at least until May 6, 2020. This means can be prolonged. As business travelers, which I am still allowed to host, are not my main target group, I decided to close the hostel on March 16th for as long as this crisis lasts.

You can cancel your trip free of charge 30 days before arrival. After that cancelation fees will be charged (for more information see your booking confirmation or the GTC on my website) . So if you have a confirmed booking for this hostel, please let me know in time if you would like to cancel your trip. I would be happy to postpone your booking to a later date, but that is up to you.

All I can do now is to wish you and your loved ones well. Stay home, support those that need your help and most importantly stay healthy!

All the best from Lueneburg



see §1 (4):,_soziales_und_gesundheit/gesundheit/NDS-Verordnung-Beschraenkung_sozialer_Kontakte-Aktualisierung-und-Verlaengerung-(Stand-17-04-2020).pdf